Part 3: Sustainable dentistry in 500 words or more

SINGAPORE: In this third article on sustainable dentistry, sustainable procurement will be covered. The definition of procurement is obtaining goods and services, not the actual transaction, more the plan or the strategy surrounding the process of buying goods and services. Adding sustainability to procurement aims to minimise any harm to environment, economy and society during the full life cycle of the product, from cradle to grave.
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Reduced radiation dose in maxillofacial radiology yields comparable diagnostic results, study says

MALMÖ, Sweden: Radiographic diagnostics are widely used in healthcare as they provide diagnostically important information that can help improve treatment outcomes. For example, a CBCT scanning protocol is a valuable examination tool in oral and maxillofacial radiology and is readily available in dental offices because of its ease of use. However, a CBCT scan produces a relatively high radiation dose compared with other scanning protocols, and new research has shown that its effectiveness remains unchanged after reducing the radiation dose to one-fifth of the manufacturer-recommended level.