Seeing an orthodontist

Would you book yourself in for laser eye surgery without asking an optician if it is suitable for you? Would you attempt to perform laser eye surgery on yourself?
For most people, the answer may sound a little like ‘no, that is far too dangerous, and I could end up with permanent problems’.   This is exactly the attitude you also need when considering orthodontics.
Attempting orthodontic treatment at home or without professional supervision could put your smile at risk.  The safest way to get orthodontic treatment will always be to see a qualified and registered orthodontist.  
When you think about orthodontic treatment, think ACE.
One benefit of going to an orthodontist is all dental and orthodontic practices must be registered with and inspected by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) and have these findings published online.
This holds them accountable for their practice and their treatments and can be prosecuted if found to be in br…
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