The safest way to get a whiter smile

Like all medical procedures, tooth whitening carries some element of risk.  That’s why it’s important to discover how you can achieve that whiter smile in the safest way possible.
If you are thinking about having tooth whitening there are some essential rules to follow, as well as some dangerous pitfalls to avoid.  There are also some actions you can take at home that might mean you no longer feel the need to have treatment.
Tooth whitening in professional hands
When it comes to tooth whitening, there really isn’t a better source of information than your dental team.
Not only are they fully qualified and licensed to perform the treatment, but they will be able to take your dental needs into account.  Dentists can treat you with 6% hydrogen peroxide (the bleaching agent that whitens teeth) – this is nearly 6,000 times stronger than any over-the-counter tooth whitening product.  Because of this, tooth whitening by a dentist will give you th…