In response to the government passing regulations on when junk food advertisements are allowed to play on television, The Oral Health Foundation welcomes these new restrictions and acknowledges that it is a step in the right direction, but worries that there is still a lot more work to do.
Dr Nigel Carter, Chief executive of the oral health foundation had this to say on the matter:
Nutrition is a key part of taking care of not just our general health but also our oral health. The amount of sugar we consume has a devastating impact on the nations oral health. Cutting down on sugar consumption is the number one way to stop tooth decay, and junk food is often filled with sugar in order to make the taste more appealing.
Tooth decay remains the number one reason for hospital admissions among young children. The NHS carries out almost 900,000 tooth extractions on children under 18 every year and nine-in-ten of these are down to tooth decay. Tooth extractions takes a great ph…
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