In the UK, there are laws for what strength of tooth whitening product can be used, and who and carry it out.
Tooth whitening gel that is too strong, or applied by unqualified people, can be extremely unsafe and cause severe and long-term complications for your mouth.
In a summary of the regulations, products containing or releasing up to 6% hydrogen peroxide (the common bleaching agent used in whitening gel) can be used, if:
Products of this strength are sold only to qualified dental practitioners.
You have been examined by a dentist first, to make sure there are no risks or any other concern about the condition of your mouth.
You are over 18 years old.
The first application is made by a dental practitioner, or under their direct supervision by a dental hygienist or dental therapist.
Buying tooth whitening products
Tooth whitening products and kits bought in UK stores or on the internet can legally only contain up to 0.1% hydrogen peroxide.
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